Sunday Mass - 9:30 AM
Rev. Matthew H. Frisoni
Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Albany and Pastor |
Click on flyer above for order form.
Sunday Mass - 9:30 AM
Rev. Matthew H. Frisoni
Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Albany and Pastor |
Click on flyer above for order form.
Join us online every weekend for
Mass with Father Frisoni. Thank you for all of your prayers for our pilgrims who traveled to the March for Life in Washington, DC on Friday, January 24.
On December 24, 2024, at the Christmas Eve Mass, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door at St. Peter's Basilica. This marked the official start of "Jubilee 2025." The Church celebrates a jubilee year every twenty-five years. This practice dates to about the year 1300. A jubilee year is a special time of reconciliation and conversion. A pilgrimage is also a constitutive element of a jubilee year. Our Holy Father declared that hope is the central theme of this jubilee year. Let us take confidence in the hope we have in Christ Jesus. For further resources on our jubilee year, visit www.rcda.org/jubilee-2025. Happy new year, Fr. Frisoni |
WEEKEND OF FEBRUARY 15-16 Dear family, God's peace to you. Another snowstorm will be coming here between late Saturday night and Sunday morning. (This is perfect timing for our weekend Masses, right?) We do not know what the impact will be. So far, our 4:00PM vigil Mass and the celebration that follows look snow-free as of this moment. Cancelling a Sunday Mass for poor driving or weather conditions is the last thing I wish to do. But, if we have your email address, you will receive an e-mail message if I need to cancel a Mass. No message means there's no cancellation. You can also watch our social media pages for announcements about cancellations. Please join us in any of our churches for Mass--anytime. Your kind support envelope will always go to your parish printed on the envelope. If you can't come to church this weekend with the storm, I'm sure the Lord understands. Remember, we still have our TV Mass that we film for you. We will post this weekend's Mass video on our websites as soon as possible so you can watch Mass from home on Sunday. Please pray with us and for us. Thank you once again and have a blessed weekend. Fr. Frison THE CHALICE CONTAINING THE
I recently sent a poll to our extraordinary ministers of holy communion. Remember the days before covid with the chalice served during communion? Some parishes have restored the distribution of the Precious Blood. I receive requests from time to time to resume this in our churches. If we contemplate this, we must choreograph with care any return of the chalice for the faithful. The first step was to gauge our ministers' comfort levels. How does each feel about the prospect of serving the chalice? (I would never ask a minister to serve the chalice if they are not comfortable doing this.) Here are the number of respondents to the survey by parish: OLMC -- 6; SAC -- 5; SPAC -- 17. At OLMC, two of the six respondents (33.3%) would be comfortable serving the chalice at Mass and consuming the remaining Precious Blood. At SAC, one of the five felt this way (20%). At SPAC, twelve respondents would be at ease serving the Precious Blood (70.6%). I will now pray over these results and consult our pastoral council on this question. I will keep you posted on any developments if there are any. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide us with his wisdom and courage. God's peace, Fr. Frisoni |